Practical tools

Being spread throughout Europe, one crucial challenge for Zero Generation team members is communication and virtual teamwork. We are regularly testing tools, developing  and evolving working procedures around virtual tools that can help us generate, share and communicate information effectively; collaboration being at the core of who we are and what we do.

Most of the tools presented are free or have a free available version for you to use. They also allow easy sharing and interactivity in the production and the broadcast of the outcomes.

SessionLab is a great intuitive session, and event, planning system. We use it on several of our projects.

Google suite provide the source number 1 of the tools we are using daily. From Gmail to Google docs passing though Google Analytics, Reader, Scholar and others.

None of our meetings can be planned nowadays without launching a Doodle to ensure it suits the participants; even face to face ones.

Skype is another cornerstone of Zero Generation communication allowing to speak and to run an ongoing chat which is now about 3 years old!

When willing to share your mood or just find an entertaining video, Youtube is still the number one.

MindMeister is a great collaborative mindmap generator allowing to export your outcomes in several format commonly used.

Wordle has proven to be a nice world cloud tool to visualise words usage such as training events participants’ evaluations.

Twitter has converted Zero Generation and is used to engage the world on topics such as Training, Education and Collaboration. In order to manage your Social Network Hootsuite provides a very useful social media dashboard for team on various channels.

Discovered thanks to a Computering exam, the Online Stopwatch has proven to be a fun and useful tool to make time management fun and accepted in all our training rooms.

We can’t make this list forgetting the tribute to WordPress which made Content Management sites so easy to manage.

Tribute to Julie Wedgewood who inspired the creation of this page.